Our services in the area of conflict resolution

Industrial projects are becoming increasingly complex these days. In addition to the laws to be complied with, this also affects the large number of interest groups of different orientations that can be affected by planning. As a result, conflicts in approval procedures are occurring more and more frequently. The protests surrounding Stuttgart 21 are a well-known example that many people still remember. Such escalations demonstrate the need for careful conflict management. In order to meet these challenges, we have diverse and specialized solutions in our service portfolio. We believe that good conflict management can accelerate your proceedings and provide a sustainable solution to disputes.
Or: Our experience shows that good conflict management often accelerates proceedings and provides a sustainable and transparent solution.

Early involvement of the public

We believe in the power of involvement. Early public involvement can identify potential conflicts at an early stage. We offer our many years of expertise to support you in the run-up to the implementation of early public participation. The aim is to avoid escalation and find solutions at an early stage that save time and money while promoting public acceptance. We advise you individually on suitable participation formats and are happy to assist you with the implementation and evaluation.


Moderating events that are fraught with conflict is one of our core competencies. Through effective moderation, we promote cooperation between the parties involved and ensure that the needs and interests of all participants are taken into account. A constructive climate for mutual exchange is the goal of our moderation services.


For conflicts that have already escalated and where the fronts have hardened, mediation can be the path to a solution. This process helps the conflicting parties to find consensual solutions together, supported by our impartial, certified mediators. The approach is designed to develop long-term solutions that reflect the needs of all parties involved. The voluntary nature of the process and the procedures set out in the Mediation Act form the basis of our mediation services.

Why us?
Our team consists of certified mediators who specialize in public participation processes and conflicts in approval procedures. We are proud of the fact that we have been able to promote communication, transparency and mutual understanding through our work. This has resulted in numerous successful projects, which is reflected in the positive feedback from our clients.

Get in touch with us

Are you ready for a solution that helps everyone involved? Are you facing a conflict in your project or would you like to take preventative action to avoid potential conflicts from the outset? Our experts are ready to provide you with comprehensive advice and find the right solution for your issue. Together with you, we lay the foundations for successful projects and work on constructive solutions to move your project forward and manage conflicts effectively.